Token verification lists 101

The unfortunate truth is that the crypto industry has plenty of scam tokens and projects. PWN’s community does its best to equip itself with the knowledge and prevention methods necessary to combat these scams on multiple fronts.

Let’s explore how the industry attempts to fight scams by implementing token lists.

The importance of token lists

Introduced by Uniswap Labs, token lists are lists of fungible (ERC-20) tokens maintained by projects such as Uniswap, Coingecko, and many others. These projects attach their reputation to lists by hosting them on a domain that they control.

Because token lists are standardized, they allow for integration across multiple different platforms (front-ends).

Check out the token lists used at PWN

Opensea - As of now not opensource

NFT verification

In the case of NFTs, things can get a bit more complicated, as the market is not as mature as that of the ERC-20 standard.

To the best of our knowledge, there are no standardized NFT lists, NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea usually offer project verification on their marketplace.

Any NFT project can apply for a verification badge on OpenSea, LooksRare, and other sites. These marketplaces then verify the projects based on their criteria and give or deny them the verification badge. Using token lists on the PWN platform, PWN checks the most popular and trusted lists and displays a verification badge alongside each asset. This is done to make it easy to see if an asset is verified and which project provided the verification.

Let’s talk about filters!

On PWN, you can use a variety of filters to view exactly what interests you.

Asset Filters

By default, only verified assets with an appraisal are displayed. However, you can opt-in to view unverified assets or those without pricing by adjusting the filter settings next to the chain selector.

Proposal Filters

When browsing Proposals, you can filter them by LTV, APR and Duration at the top of the Proposal Table. Additionally, you can choose to see only fungible tokens or NFTs

Last updated